Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I'm not always so great with change and getting completely out of my comfort zone but I know that as a Christian woman I need to be prepared for anything and be sensitive to what God tells me in my life.

Lately, He has spoken a lot and our world has flipped.
Yesterday was our last Sunday at the church we've been leading worship for the last 10 months. We were faced with much adversity from our worship team and even some members of the church. At first I thought things could get better, that people would start to accept and respect my husband and we would all love each other and be happy.
But I know this isn't a perfect world. We are all completely full of flaws, character defects, and problems... but that still didn't stop my heart breaking for my husband.
Through all the trials and tribulations he endured, it was very clear how faithful he was to listening to God's voice and to follow his true calling. Many times I flat out told him, "We need to leave the church. I can't take it anymore" and he said, very calmly, "That's not what it's about, Shaylee."

And it truly isn't.
No matter where we go or what we do in this life we are going to be with others that don't like us one bit, are opposed to the way we are or the things we do, and will always find something wrong with us. That's okay. We are here to spread the gospel through love and grace because that is who God is to us.

I admit we've been hurt by some things that have been said or done against us, but I believe we are in a rapid healing process. Though it's hard and the easy thing to do would be to hold grudges and just walk away, I am forgiving these people without them even offering an apology. It's an awareness that we are fallen creatures and I am no different than any of them. I, too, have gossiped about people and have destroyed them with my tongue. I have treated people poorly because they didn't see my view on things. I'm a sinner rescued by the grace of God.

Knowing God has these people covered and I don't need to dwell on it is peaceful for me. He is in complete control over the church and the leaders. He can change anyone's heart or mind in a second.

Unfortunately, this kind of situation is what brings a lot of people further from God and bitter with the church. And that breaks my heart, truly. At a place where we are suppose to feel accepted, loved and embraced, many people often feel attacked, unwelcomed, and judged. I think it's extremely important to remember this. These aren't just statistics, but the reality we are living in. To the believers in Christ that are reading my blog you all need to pray.
Pray for your church, your leaders, the people who come to your church every week and don't feel welcomed, and also pray for your heart. The heart can be very deceitful and we can be so comfortable in our bubble that we forget to extend our hands and reach out. I, too, am so guilty of this and I know I need to be led by the Spirit more.

I'm so grateful for the past 10 months. I've met some great friends that will forever be my family, I've learned a lot not only about ministry but about God, I love the youth of the church and think they are amazing and wonderful, and our Pastor was a true Shepherd. He doesn't only minister to the congregation on Sunday mornings but every day of the week at every hour. He is so compassionate and loving and he gave us a chance. We walked into the church freshly married and out of worship school, young and naive (still are I'm sure) and this Pastor knew we would not be the most experienced of all people, but he trusted us. He knew that we could build relationships with people and he saw our potential.

Even at the last moments of being there the only word I can think of is grateful because this experience has made me and David closer to each other and both of us closer to God. Isn't it crazy that in the hard times we can feel God's presence so much more because we need it? We can feel Him in the good times, too, but the bad times His presence is so much more apparent.

We have a great God.

Oh, and I've been sticking to all my New Years resolutions so far.
I've lost 5 pounds,
I learned "Can you Feel the Love Tonight" on the piano with both hands (don't ask about the song choice, it just happened that way),
and I have several auditions this week that I'm going to.

And I dyed my hair back to red. I figured that 2011 would be a year of change. It certainly is. So I needed a 'do that would fit that. It's totally rockin'.

We don't know what's next or even where we are going, but it's the start of a great adventure. I'm truly excited for it, and a little nervous at the same time.
God's the author of our lives and right now I know He is grinning and saying, "My plans are huge. Just you wait and see."


  1. Shaylee, I am so thankful for your beautiful heart and your beautiful words. I have been brought to tears reading this post. It is truly evident that God is first in your life by your actions, words and your heart. My heart breaks for the things you have said here, but like you stated, we have to forgive and know that God has your back and will take care of what need be. I am praying, for you and David, for our church, and for healing in hearts from the situation. We love you and know there are great things ahead for you guys! Thank you for the wonderful example of grace and love that you lead by! Love you, Shona

  2. As usual my dear sweet daughter, you have brought tears to my eyes with your beautiful words. Again, I am so sorry this is happened to you and David. That church has no idea what they are losing. When we were there last June and listened to you two lead music, God was oh so present and It was clear He was leading you both. I know you formed some great relationships there and know it must be so hard and sad right now for the both of you. God is still leading you guys into the right place of worship He wants and needs you to be for HIS glory...Keep the faith and be patient...He has great plans for you both. My prayers are with you guys and I am so very proud of you both. Love you, mom

  3. Shaylee! I love you so much! And i'm so blessed to have you in my life! On so many occasions you have brought a smile to my face, and I really just can't thank God enough for the friendship I've gotten to have with you! So many memories...good memories! I love you and I'm praying for you! God has done some amazing things in your life, and he will just continue to work in your life like never before! He is making you new in all of this. His ways are in the whirlwinds!! :) I love you Shaylee!!

  4. Shaylee, your enthusiasm, your heart, and mainly the Spirit of God has made you the person that the Lord will use for His glory. You take with you some fond memories of working with the youth as well as worship. Please let those moments fill your heart as you seek His direction for the future. In this transition, I will be praying for you and David. Both of you are gifted in music, and I know that you will be given opportunities to serve the Lord elsewhere.
    Will stay in touch with you and David on fb. John
